15 December 2021

Interview with CTO Luca Angioloni

We continue our in-depth look behind the scenes at Aidia and its three founders. We have already interviewed the CEO, Riccardo Celli and today we have a chat with one of the other two founders, CTO Luca Angioloni.

Luca, we have already spoken with Riccardo, the CEO of Aidia, but we would like to know your perspective as well: how did Aidia come about? What is your goal?

Francesco, Riccardo, and I have been friends since university. We often talked about creating our own business, building something of our own, and in 2020, right during the first phase of the pandemic, we decided it was the right time. The pandemic indeed shuffled the cards and highlighted the need to renew the way of doing business, especially in Italy. We want to be just that: a force for renewal for the country. We are passionate about technology and want to bring the most advanced technologies into businesses, to ensure they remain competitive in the global market.

Within Aidia, your role is that of CTO. Explain a bit more about what you do!

The role of the CTO is very varied: I choose the technologies, architectures, and people best suited to develop the solutions and then ensure everything runs smoothly. The trick is to reconcile the client’s needs with budget constraints, to create an elegant and functional AI solution that provides the best possible service. The possibilities with AI are numerous, so I have to make sure to carefully consider all options.

What do you like about your job?

That it never gets boring! It’s a very dynamic role: I have to coordinate different responsibilities, and there are many varied tasks to do, so I really can never get bored. Moreover, I constantly have to keep up with technological innovations in the field, and it’s a continuous challenge: AI requires staying updated on the latest developments, at the frontier of knowledge. I like it: I love being able to see the evolution from the inside, actively participating in the creation of new ideas and solutions.

And in your field, what excites you about Artificial Intelligence?

I believe that Artificial Intelligence and technology, in general, should be at the service of humans. With AI by our side, we can think of building even more complex things, working better, simplifying the most tedious procedures, and eliminating the most tiring and alienating parts of work. This excites me: the synergy between man and machine opens up a world of new possibilities; it allows humans to focus on truly important things and concentrate on the creative aspect, what could be stronger than that?

It’s clear that you are really passionate about the topic! Given your work, I imagine you often think about the possible evolutions of technology – in your opinion, which new AI applications will have the most impact in the near future?

In the coming years, we will see a true technological revolution thanks to Artificial Intelligence, and I believe that, even if they make less noise, the most important developments will come in the production field: AI applications that focus on making work more efficient will have a huge impact. And this applies to all production sectors: predictive models will help any type of business make better decisions, process automation will simplify even the most abstract and qualified jobs, and industrial automation will radically revolutionize the manufacturing sector.

Do you think all companies could benefit from AI? Give us an example!

Certainly! Even in more traditional companies, perhaps artisanal or in the agri-food sector, AI can bring great benefits. A winery or a pasta factory might think they have no need for such advanced technology, but that is not the case at all. For example, it can improve crop efficiency, know the best time for harvest, or provide optimized suggestions on how to prevent plant diseases; but also automate logistics or control the quality of packaging: the possibilities are endless.

Lisa Bartali

Lisa Bartali

Marketing Specialist at AIDIA, graduated in International Studies in Florence, passionate about history, economics, and the bizarre things of the world.


At Aidia, we develop AI-based software solutions, NLP solutions, Big Data Analytics, and Data Science. Innovative solutions to optimize processes and streamline workflows. To learn more, contact us or send an email to info@aidia.it.

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